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The Marianne Taylor

Legacy Contra Dance at Deerfield

This community contra dance, held first Fridays from October to June, is named in honor of the folk dance instructor, musician, and contra dance caller who first organized it in 1991.


This dance is an alcohol-free, family-friendly affair -- a safe, welcoming, and fun activity able to be enjoyed by the entire family. Newcomers can feel comfortable that they will be warmly welcomed into the community of contra dancers, and they will find experienced dancers to be helpful, as well gracious and tolerant towards miscues and mistakes.


Although newcomers to contra dancing sometimes arrive as a couple it isn't necessary to come with a partner, and beginners are actually encouraged to begin dancing with an experienced partner, as learning the steps will be easier and happen faster. It is part of contra dance culture that both men and women may ask anyone to dance, and experienced dancers will know to observe whether there have been individuals sitting out during a dance -- these should be the first ones approached and asked to dance first, as doing so helps to promote an inclusive atmosphere. Wallflowers are rarely found at a contra dance.

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